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        • Thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) waterproof material


          HGT-100 series thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) waterproof material is a kind of thermoplastic elastomer material, which is made of vinyl chloride as the base material, adopting advanced polymerization technology and special formula. Physical performance is stable, the construction is conven…

        • Polyvinyl chloride plastic sheets for waterproofing


          HGP-200 series PVC waterproof material is made of PVC resin as the main body, adding anti UV agent, anti-aging agent, antioxidant and other chemical additives, after heat mixing, extrusion, calendering, cooling and other processes made high performance elastic waterproof material.

        • Polyethylene polypropylene fiber waterproof material


          Polyethylene polypropylene fiber waterproof material is in fully studied based on existing waterproof coiled material, according to the new requirements of modern engineering of waterproof materials, using polyethylene, high-strength polypropylene fiber non-woven fabric, ultraviolet isolation ag…


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