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        • Elastomer (SBS) Modified Bituminous Waterproof Sheet Material


          HLS-110 Elastomer(SBS) modified bitumen waterproof membrane is saturating the membrane base with modified bitumen, thermoplastic elastomer (styrene butadiene-SBS), reinforced with polyester or fiberglass, with fine sand, mineral slate(or grains)or polythene membrane on top.

        • Atactic polypropylene(APP) Modified Bituminous Sheet Material


          Atactic polypropylene(APP) Modified Bituminous Sheet Materialis saturating the membrane base with modified bitumen, atactic polypropylene(APP), reinforced with polyester or fiberglass, with fine sand, mineral slate(or grains)or polythene membrane on top.

        • Root penetration resistance of waterproof sheets for green roof system


          SBS/APP modified bituminous root penetration resistance waterproof sheet material is the material with Ligament polyester filler as the base, with SBS/APP modified asphalt adding chemical root resistance agent as cover materials, which has prevented the plant root penetration and wat…


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