
        Welcome to Beifang Waterproof. Ancient have positive Dayu, this is Beifang Waterproof !


        Beifang waterproofing company was founded in 1993, focusing on waterproof industry for 23 years, is the domestic senior waterproof engineering company, also, is the leader in the waterproof industry in Hebei province.

        Beifang waterproofing company capital is abundant, with advanced production equipment and strong R & D strength. At the beginning, the company introduced first advanced coil production lines, which is designed by China National building research institute. Instituted and processed by The People's Republic of the nuclear industry, its capital inputs was similar domestic enterprises of dozens of times. In order to meet the needs of the development of the market, to create greater enterprise advantage, the company successively began to introduce the high new technology production lines, and in 2013 put billions of dollars to build an area of 85000 square meters of R & D and production base.  Now, our company has become a compound enterprise from a single professional waterproofing material production enterprise, which includes scientific research, producing, and sale, construction.

        Cutting-edge production technology achievements of the company's strong production capacity and quality of the product. At present, its membrane annual production capacity is 35 million square meters, all kinds of waterproof coating production capacity is 100 thousand tons. In addition, the company has passed ISO9001 international quality management system and ISO14001 international environmental management system certification, the production process to affect the quality of products and environmental factors are in strict control system. The company has become a major supplier of large infrastructure projects and key construction projects in China.


        National construction qualification, excellent construction application technology, could traced back to the quality supervision system and professional construction team, all are important guarantee of the company's 20 years to lead the water industry. According to the waterproof design requirements and the spot environment ,the company can make the system waterproof scheme, provide the optimal design scheme, thoroughly to solve the leakage problem. In recent years, the company contracted a number of national, provincial and municipal key projects, and received the unanimous endorsement of the partners, and establish a long-term relations of cooperation. Because of years of intensive farming ,the enterprise set a good brand image, and has won a good reputation in the market, also has won the brand-name products in Hebei Province, building materials 50 strong enterprises in Hebei and consumer trustworthy products, superior quality products, waterproof benchmarking enterprises in Hebei Province, waterproof construction enterprises ten strong, National safety standards of three-level companies and so on.

        In the ever-change market, the company keep up with the pace of the market, set up a monument in the industry. My company with all staff sincerely invite people to seek common development, and to serve the society.


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        Service Time:8:30-22:00

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